Monday, November 2, 2009

Ugly Muffins

So the pink stove has been lonely this week.  It's a week leading up to an election - what can I say.  I have to earn a living so I can continue to feed the pink stove.
But, election be damned, house guests will be calling this week and they need to be fed so I had a good excuse to set aside politics for a few hours last night to show the pink stove a little love.

Ugly Muffins are not a mind-blowing, Top Chef-worthy recipe - they're eggs with stuff in them for heaven's sake. But, they meet several challenges we often face at Chez Patton-Isenhour that I bet others face as well.

1.  Using leftovers - what goes into Ugly Muffins is only limited by your imagination or what leftovers are in your frig.

2.  Trying to get  a daily dose of veggies into Nerdy-Boy's gullet.  (No, honey, just because Swedish Fish are red like a tomato, does not mean they are in that food group.)

3.  Similarly, eating something more substantial for breakfast other than a miniature Kit Kat bar.  Ugly Muffins are easy to make on a Sunday evening, store in the frig and pop into the microwave as we're rushing out the door on a school day.

4.  No matter what you put in them, they always taste good.  The below recipe is what leftovers I had in my frig this week.  Other weeks Ugly Muffins have come out of the oven with tangy goat cheese and asparagus or my personal fav, aloha-style with ham, pineapple and jack cheese.

I think Nerdy-Boy's aunt may have some weird impression that each morning I wake up, fry the bacon up in a pan, remind him he's a man before I rush out the door to bring home said bacon.  I certainly don't want to be the one to disappoint.  Ugly Muffins seemed to be the answer to assuring her that I have not forgotten my wifely duties of making sure that all in my household are well-fed. 

Ugly Muffins will be easy for Nerdy-Boy to pop in the microwave as I rush out the door on Election Day.

Ugly Muffins
Makes 12

8 eggs - beaten (I often use just the egg whites)
1/4 cup of heavy cream

1/2 cup of ham - diced
1/2 cup of cheddar cheese - shredded
small red pepper - diced
small red onion - diced

Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Prepare muffin pan by coating with cooking spray.

Beat eggs with cream.  Stir in other ingredients.  Divide evenly between muffin cups.  (Each muffin cup should fill to almost the edge.)

Bake for 15-20 minutes until the centers set.  Let cool on rack for at least 5 minutes.


  1. Now that Peeper is a year old, I'm trying to get my act together and cook more often, especially for her.

    She really seems to like scrambled eggs with "stuff" in them, but they are hard for her to feed herself and it takes time to make them.

    This looks like a perfect solution!

    I'm going to make some in mini-muffin tins, so they'll be more her size, and freeze them!

  2. Beth -- Great idea on the mini muffins -- I've made them that way and they actually work better. Hope little girl enjoys them! And, I enjoyed reading your blog! Thanks for linking!


  3. I made these for a MOMS Club event this week, with onion, red/green bellpepper, turkey polska kielbasa and cheese. They were a big hit, and someone asked me for the recipe for my "mini quiches!"
